The Human Bush

July 18, 2008

Once Bush sold us out on immigration, I began to sour on him.  But, despite his flaws, Bush is filled with compassion.

Talking to Tony Snow’s children . . .

A somber Bush had a special message for Snow’s three children — Kendall, Robbie and Kristi. In a particularly poignant moment, he talked directly to them, noting he’d often called their father on the weekend seeking his advice, and just as often would find that he was helping his kids with homework or cheering them on the soccer field.

“He loved you a lot,” Bush told the three children. “I hope you know we loved him a lot, too.”

I still like GWB.

source Fox News

It’s alive

July 18, 2008

Yep.  I’m still alive.  Hard to keep the blog going in the middle of a move – much less keep up with the news.

We’re settling into our rent house, high speed hooked up today.  I hope to get back into the swing of things soon.

We’re already seeing the benefits of the move back – a couple of birthday parties, all the aunts and uncles have seen our newest family member, Baptism, and unfortunately a funeral.  We were in a mad rush to get out of Michigan to see one of my wife’s grandmothers.  We missed a last visit by two days, but, we did make the funeral.  Which is somewhat comforting for my wife.

More later.

Hello Friends

July 7, 2008

A quick update. . .

I brought the family down to Texas/Louisiana for house hunting.  Settled on a  decent rent house in Beaumont.  The ‘engineer’ in me won’t let me buy until I have a contract on my Michigan house (might be renting a while).

Adding Father Joe to my web links.  He recently left a comment on one of my posts about Women Priests.  We are a very conservative Catholic family.  I don’t pretend to be the best Catholic – heck – I’m not even a good one.  I struggle with the concept of women priests.  I understand that some people – a lot of women and men – think women should be priests.  I get it.  But, I don’t agree with it.

There are plenty of Christian religions that support female led ministry.  And, if that is what you need, you should seek it.  The Catholic Church does not exclude women from religious life.  Nor, in my opinion, does it demean women by excluding them from headship in the church.  It has clearly defined roles for women – not less important – just different from men.  I think that’s ok.  My wife would agree.  A wise husband should seek counsel from his wife – I should probably do it more.  Women are CRITICAL to the past and continued success of the Church.  But, even small ripples can lead to everlasting (and sometimes undesired) change.

Christina Marie is 4 weeks old today – wow.  I had to leave them all down in Texas while I work with the movers in Michigan.  I’m going to miss a whole week of her life – 20% by the time I get back to her.  I miss her already.